Vivero plantas nativas frutillar.
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For 16 years we have been the Frutillar nursery in the Los Lagos region specializing in native ornamental plants. We also produce exotic species adapted to the conditions of southern Chile. Our passion is to transform seeds and cuttings into trees, shrubs, flowers  and covers floors. We are located in the Bay of Frutillar, Quebrada Honda Km3, Frutillar, Patagonia Chile.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-04-11 a la(s) 14.03.28.png

Plantas perennes

Fuchsia Microphylla (no vivero).jpg


Captura de Pantalla 2022-09-25 a la(s) 01.45_edited.png

Pelu Pelu
Sophora cassioides

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