Lenga, Tierra del Fuego oak or white oak, is a tree of the Nothofagaceae family and corresponds to one of the most representative species of the Patagonian forest in southern Chile, reaching 30 meters in height.
Its deciduous leaves, 2 to 4 cm long and dark green, have a rounded or elliptical shape and a serrated edge, which turn yellow and red in the autumn period. This species has great physiological characteristics, being able to tolerate up to −20 °C and intense frosts, in addition to having the incredible capacity to recover after fires.
Lenga wood, also called Chilean cherry, Tierra del Fuego cherry or Patagonian cherry, is a light-colored wood that is easy to work with. Ideal for the manufacture of all kinds of furniture and interior carpentry
Irrigation: medium.
Luminosity: sun and partial shade.